We’re back!! It is a very exciting time for students and teachers across the nation. However, with the excitement, there is also nerves from all ends. Whether it’s being in a room with lots of people for the first time in a while or the fear of being overwhelmed with a new routine that is bothering you, everyone has something weighing on their minds going back to in-person school. The pandemic is not quite over yet, but we are all rearing up to be back to normal. There are a few things that are crucial for students and teachers to keep in mind when coming back. Hopefully the anxieties that come with going back to normal school can be alleviated some with these notions.
- – Lots of people feel the exact same way you do. Make sure to respect everyone’s individual boundaries and be gracious for the opportunities that are coming your way.
- – Plan, plan, plan ahead. When it comes to getting back to a normal routine, it is important to plan extra time for everything and be prepared for multiple scenarios. By planning for different situations, you won’t be even more stressed when things change.
- – Take a deep breath. You’ve done this before. Don’t forget that it was not that long ago that you went to classes in person. This is nothing new which means it will be an easier transition than you might think.
- – Stay healthy using good hygiene and nourishing your body. No one needs to be getting sick when adapting back to school. Be sure to use hand sanitizer, monitor your symptoms, and stay home if you’re sick. Part of keeping your body healthy is eating food full of nutrients and staying hydrated, so keep that in mind as well.
Overall, I wish you best as school starts back up, and hope everyone is having an aMAEzing National Wellness Month!! Until next time, take care!